Fully funded BOOST Training session*
To boost high performing teams in your organisation and raise performance levels through motivation. Relevant for those who new to leadership positions, supervisors and team leaders etc.
Understand how to manage different behaviours within a team and ways to improve team dynamics
Effective communication of team vision in order to engage, encourage and motivate team members.
Establish actions that will build and maintain a high performing team
*BOOST delivery Terms & Conditions
All courses are funded by Umbrella Training and an ESF initiative called Hospitality Pathways aka BOOST. Each course requires a submission of an application form and formation of a short individual learning plan with your learning consultant.
To be eligible, you must work in a London business and be a London resident.
Please contact our commercial team on info@umbrellatraining.co.uk should you live/work outside of London as we can offer these courses commercially.