British Values: Rule of Law - The Rules of eMarketing

The rules of email marketing are laid out in Regulation 22 in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office. In a nutshell, here's what you need to know.

For hotel and other hospitality managers, marketers and other roles where you handle customer data, GDPR rules must be abided by on guest databases – for example, if you want to run a promotional offer email campaign to potential guests.

Consent is Key 

First and foremost, you can't just send marketing emails to anyone and everyone. You must have explicit consent from individuals to send them marketing emails. This means they should have willingly permitted you to email them.  

Existing Customer Exception 

There's a little wiggle room when it comes to your existing customers. If someone has made a reservation at your restaurant or booked a room from your hotel in the past, and you provided them with an easy way to opt out of future emails, you're in the clear. But remember, this only applies to existing customers. 

No Hiding 

You must clearly identify your business in your marketing emails. Plus, you need to provide a valid contact address so that recipients can easily opt-out or unsubscribe if they wish. 

Other Electronic Messages 

Now, the rules we've discussed so far aren't just for email. They apply to a wide range of electronic messages, including texts, picture messages, video messages, voicemails, and even direct messages on social media. The term 'electronic mail' encompasses all these forms of messaging. 

Emailing Businesses 

For businesses, things are a bit different. Corporate bodies like companies, government bodies, and limited liability partnerships can be emailed or texted without consent. It's still a good practice to keep a 'do not email or text' list for businesses that don't want your messages. 

In the world of eMarketing, knowing and following the rules is not just a suggestion; it's the law. So, as you embark on your journey in the hospitality industry, remember that building a loyal customer base through email marketing can be a fantastic strategy, as long as you do it by the book. Happy eMarketing! 




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