Our royal seal of approval announced today.


The only #hospitality #apprenticeship provider to have been announced as a winner this year. Our training programme met the three Hallmarks of Excellence needed to receive royal recognition.

"We are incredibly proud of this achievement. The recognition is important as it celebrates the hard work that our team have put into their own professional development and personal growth, as well as the lengths they go to in order to deliver meaningful apprenticeships for our learners and business partners." Adele Catherine Oxberry FIH - Founder and Chief Executive of Umbrella Training

Jo Simovic

Jo Simovic is a seasoned learning and development professional with 20+ years of experience and is deeply committed to the continuous growth of both herself and the clients she serves. With a rich background spanning management development, customer service training, mentoring, coaching, and leadership, Jo brings a wealth of expertise to every engagement in the training industry.


Meet Jacob Mathew, Learning and Development Manager at Umbrella Training


Meet Anja Huettenrauch, Learning and Development Manager at Umbrella training