Step-by-Step Guide to training Hospitality Managers

Hospitality management is a dynamic and rewarding field, requiring individuals with a unique blend of skills ranging from business acumen to exceptional customer service. As businesses in the hospitality industry strive to exceed customer expectations and stay ahead in a competitive market, the role of hospitality managers becomes increasingly crucial.

Fortunately, there are structured training programmes available, such as apprenticeships designed to equip aspiring managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore expert perspectives in meeting customer expectations plus a step-by-step process of training hospitality managers, with a focus on the Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeships.

What the experts say

In this first section we will learn the valuable insights shared by industry experts on LinkedIn:

Step 1: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Before you decide how you would like to train your management, there are a few questions to ask yourself. Such as, where are your weaknesses, do your managers have gaps in their experience and have your customers provided feedback? You can delve deeper by discovering if your manager knows your online and offline customer journey, are they on top of industry trends, do they know their customer expectations and whether can they adapt to technology changes.

Step 2: What are your business goals?

Aligning your training program with your business goals is paramount for success. This involves clearly defining goals, mapping skills, and targeting training to achieve desired outcomes. Does your business prioritise customer loyalty, 5-star personalisation, increased sales or upselling, or maybe you’d like to cater to cultural preferences and accessibility needs?

Step 3: Explore different learning styles

We recognise that there isn't a single best way to train hospitality staff. People have different learning styles, so we advocate for using various methods like online courses, webinars, podcasts, videos, quizzes, games, simulations, case studies, role plays, mentoring, coaching, and peer feedback. Additionally, embracing technology such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and gamification can enhance the learning experience. All of which you can find in an apprenticeship.

Step 4: Consistency and feedback

Training your hospitality staff is an ongoing process. Consistency and measurement play key roles in reinforcing learning outcomes. Providing feedback, offering practice opportunities, and creating a supportive learning community are essential strategies. Additionally, we always highlight the importance of using assessments, learner feedback, and on-the-job performance tracking to measure learning effectiveness.

Step 5: Reward your staff

Recognising and rewarding staff efforts is crucial for motivation and retention. Simple gestures of gratitude can have a significant impact, alongside public acknowledgement and tangible rewards like gift cards or career development opportunities. Creating a culture of appreciation and excellence fosters employee engagement and loyalty.

How Umbrella Training develops Hospitality Managers

Now that we've gained insight into why, who and how you should train your staff, let's outline a step-by-step guide to starting an apprenticeship.

Step 1: Assessing Eligibility and Readiness

Before enrolling your team member in the apprenticeship programme, assess their eligibility and readiness. Ensure they meet the criteria outlined for the programme, including having management responsibilities and a desire to advance their skills. If they already possess significant managerial experience, consider alternative programmes such as the Operations and Departmental Manager Level 5 apprenticeship.

You may be able to apply for apprenticeship funding via the Apprenticeship Levy! Learn more here.

Step 2: Enrolment and Registration

Once eligibility is confirmed, proceed with enrolling your team member in a Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship. Work closely with your training provider to complete the necessary registration and documentation processes. Ensure your team member understands the expectations and commitments associated with the programme, including attendance requirements and off-the-job training hours.

Step 3: Initial Training and Induction

The training process starts with an initial induction session, where apprentices are introduced to the programme structure, learning objectives, and key stakeholders. Provide an overview of the hospitality industry landscape, highlighting current trends, challenges, and opportunities. This session sets the foundation for apprentices' learning journey and instils a sense of purpose and direction.

Step 4: Theoretical and Practical Training

Throughout the apprenticeship programme, there’s a balance of theoretical learning with practical training to ensure a well-rounded skill set. Collaborating with the training provider to deliver engaging training sessions covering topics such as leadership, financial management, customer service, and operational excellence. Encourage apprentices to apply their learning in real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Step 5: Evidence Collection and Reflection

As apprentices progress through the programme, encourage them to collect evidence of their work and achievements. This evidence should demonstrate their application of knowledge and skills in the workplace, aligning with the requirements of the End-Point Assessment. Implement regular reflection sessions where apprentices can review their progress, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for development.

Step 6: Mentoring and Support

An apprenticeship should provide ongoing mentorship and support to apprentices throughout their training journey. Encourage open communication and feedback exchange, allowing apprentices to voice their concerns and seek guidance when needed. Leverage the expertise of learning consultants and industry mentors to address specific challenges and enhance apprentices' learning experience

Understanding the Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship

Before delving into the training process, it's essential to understand what the Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship entails. This apprenticeship programme is perfect for team members who already possess management responsibilities and aspire to excel.

The apprenticeship aims to develop exceptional skills in both business and personal development, equipping managers with the tools to fulfil business objectives while exceeding customer expectations.

Who can take a Hospitality Manager Apprenticeship?

The Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship is ideal for highly motivated team leaders with a passion for management and specific industry skills. If your team member thrives on the customer-facing nature of their role and is eager to take the next step in their career, this programme is well-suited for them. Additionally, individuals who are already working in roles with management responsibilities can benefit from honing their skills through this apprenticeship.

Programme Structure

The Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship is an 18-month programme, followed by a two-month Gateway (End-Point Assessment). Throughout the programme, apprentices receive comprehensive training from industry experts, ensuring they acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills relevant to their roles. They also have the opportunity to participate in industry-focused events and masterclasses, further enhancing their understanding of the hospitality sector.

The Best Way To Train Hospitality Managers

Training hospitality managers is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, alignment with business goals, and incorporation of diverse perspectives and methodologies.

By reading the step-by-step guide outlined above and integrating insights from industry experts, businesses can effectively equip their team members with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles.

Investing in comprehensive training programmes like apprenticeships not only enhances employee performance and customer satisfaction but also strengthens the overall competitiveness and success of hospitality businesses.

For more information about the Hospitality Manager Level 4 Apprenticeship and how it can benefit your team members, visit Umbrella Training.


  • LinkedIn. (n.d.). What Are Some Effective Ways to Train Hospitality? Retrieved from

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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