Umbrella Training “SAY YEAH” to Mondays.


Mr Motivator MBE is leading the way into our 12 weeks of content -

No More Banana Bread!

Derrick Errol Evans aka Mr Motivator has been gracing our TV screens for almost 30 years, with many remembering his energetic fitness routines at breakfast on GMTV in the early 90’s, wearing his now trademark bright coloured unitards, with complimentary socks and bum bags.

After approximately 10 years at GMTV, he resigned and proceeded to develop the Motivational speaking side of his abilities.

We are excited to announce that every Monday throughout Lockdown 3.0, Mr Motivator will be kicking off our programme of fresh new content and delivering some much needed #MondayMotivation with a short exercise class accompanied by music, helping you to start your week right!

Catch him Monday’s at 10am on Umbrella Training Instagram IGTV page, or watch a recording at a later stage on our YouTube channel. 

I’m really pleased to be working with the Umbrella Team and, together, I hope we can play our part in bringing some light relief to the hospitality industry over the coming weeks.

“The pandemic has really highlighted how important it is for us to look after our personal fitness, general health and well-being, so we hope these weekly taster sessions will prove useful during what is a challenging time for so many people.
— Derrick Evans aka Mr Motivator

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Make sure you are following Umbrella Training via our social channels for LIVE notifications across the 12 weeks and to access our videos, talks and tips to get you energised and prepared for life post lockdown.

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