Umbrella Training’s commitment to the quality and delivery of remote education

Working from home

Whilst our training has moved to remote and online provision, we guarantee the same high levels of communication and outstanding delivery that was offered before COVID-19. These assurances are met with a continued desire and drive to keeping apprentices engaged and on the path to completion during the current lockdown.

At Umbrella Training, we have been delivering effective online programmes since March 2020, which has allowed us to streamline and adapt our approach to allow us to work in-sync with our apprentices and partners during a time where flexibility is key. Company COO Jo Simovic has overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of all remote education, ensuring that we adhere to Government advice and guidelines throughout, with no disruption to learning.

Our remote education offer ensures compliance with all Government recommendations and statutory requirements, underpinned with the need to keep all of our apprentices and stakeholders safe and engaged in their learning programmes.

Our delivery during Coronavirus

We are committed to keeping all learners engaged through providing high-quality training, delivered by our Learning Consultants via online sessions in both one-to-one and group environments: 

One-to-one training: Whilst we are unable to visit individuals in the workplace and conduct face-to-face meetings, we will continue to use interactive technology to maintain regular one-to-one contact for Skills Assessments, Professional Discussions and wider pastoral care. This includes regular reviews with line managers and employers.

Group workshops: All our online workshops are thoughtfully designed to encourage maximum interaction and impact. We have tailored our approach and trained our team to take advantage of the latest technological tools so that apprentices will receive the best possible experience in the online training room.

Functional Skills

We continue to map all Functional Skills provision into our mainstream sessions.  This ensures that learners continue to progress and that we can ensure individual support for those learners that need it most.  We have developed online support for learners and use a specialist platform to diagnose specific development needs.

Needs-based training and resources

To support apprentices and their wider teams, we have devised needs-based training and workshops to help employers and their employees deal with the current challenges and the demands they may face post lockdown.

We have also developed specific learning materials to help learners cope with new safety legislation and guidance. Our Clinical Cleanliness and Anti-Viral Sanitation courses have been woven into all apprenticeship provision to ensure that learners are ahead of the curve when returning to the workplace.

End Point Assessment preparation

Our learning consultants are working closely with apprentices to prepare them for End Point Assessment (EPA), assessing their progress, accelerating them at the right time subject to the circumstances of each learner.

Workplace observations

We have suspended workplace observations and will recommence our visits when it is safe to do so, taking into consideration Government advice and recommendations.  It is our priority to safeguard apprentices, partners and our team, therefore when the time comes we will identify any necessary measures set by the apprentice's workplace and ensure our team are equipped with the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) before visiting your business.

Our support for those facing redundancy

Even if an apprentice is made redundant, we will continue to support them (following the appropriate funding rules) and continue with their training, whilst helping them to find a new employer via The Umbrella Apprentice Exchange initiative.

Should an apprentice be made redundant less than six months before completing their apprenticeship, we will continue to deliver their training through to their End Point Assessment (EPA). For any apprentices with more than six months of their apprenticeship remaining, will continue to deliver their training for up to 12 weeks, or until they find a new employer.

Apprentices on furlough

We can continue working with new and existing apprentices even if they are on furlough. All current apprentices who have been placed on furlough can continue working towards completing their apprenticeship providing they remain contracted and do not need to seek a break in learning. Our onboarding method is completely online and contact-free, allowing for a quick and easy application process which is still available to those who have been placed on furlough but are looking to use this time to upskill. 

Access to online learning

We have ensured that our online resources are compatible with laptops, tablets and mobile devices.  If an apprentice is struggling to access learning online, their learning consultant will help them find support.

To get in touch, contact us via phone or email.

Tel: 0333 577 2557

Jo Simovic

Jo Simovic is a seasoned learning and development professional with 20+ years of experience and is deeply committed to the continuous growth of both herself and the clients she serves. With a rich background spanning management development, customer service training, mentoring, coaching, and leadership, Jo brings a wealth of expertise to every engagement in the training industry.

Umbrella Training “SAY YEAH” to Mondays.


Umbrella Training Ltd | Covid-19 Business Assurance Statement - January 2021