Breathe - 60 Seconds of Meditation

How many times have you caught yourself saying I don’t have time to stop, especially while at work?

No matter how busy you are you can always find time to take a 1 minute for yourself, even if it is while waiting for the kettle to boil for a cup of tea/coffee.

Sometimes it is the best thing you can do during a busy, hectic day is simply stop. Whether you’ve been sitting at a computer for a length of time, or be working in a busy kitchen, the action of looking away from your screen or physically moving from your work space or a current problem you are trying to solve can bring you clarity, help you refocus and recharge.

Think of a time when you’re have been overwhelmed. Maybe you have been dealing with a difficult customer, or just come off a very busy shift or long meeting. It can leave you feeling drained, unwell and stressed, making the next task you need to move onto feel hard or frustrating.

Giving yourself just 60 seconds for a breath can do wonders for both your physical and mental health.

Let’s try it.

First, find a space away from your work area.

This could be a break room, quiet corridor or even outside the building. It does not have to be quiet or isolated away, but you should feel safe, and comfortable and be in a place where you will not be interrupted where possible.

While standing or sitting (even leaning with your back against a wall or countertop is fine), take a moment to become aware of your feet grounded on the floor.

 Take a deep breath in through your nose, breathe deeply into your chest so your belly fills with the air.

Hold the breath for a second.

Then when exhaling, control the air as it leaves your lungs slowly through your mouth. For this moment, make breathing in and out your only responsibility. Focus on nothing else. Listen to your breath as it goes in and out. Feel it as it fills your lungs. Control it as your lungs empty.

Imagine positive energy being drawn into your body and the stress, and negative feelings being pushed out on the exhale.

Do this for one minute.

At the end of the meditation, open your eyes.

It might be amazing how much mush focused and relaxed you feel. Another tip to try is to smile while breathing. It might sound strange but the simple act of smiling can lift our minds and has a chemical reaction throughout our body that can relieve pain, anxiety, and stress.

If you have a bit more time on your hands (5min) repeat this process, but this time while breathing in, scan your entire body up from your toes to the top of your head, then back down again while breathing out. See if you feel where there is any tension or discomfort and imagine breathing good energy into that part of your body and pushing the negative feeling out with the exhale. And repeat the scan of your body.

When you feel ready. Open your eyes.

Remember 60 seconds, even just once a day can help build healthy habits and remind you to take care of yourself even when the days are busy, and time seems in short supply. Make time for it and it might grow into something you enjoy doing not just doing when you are stressed.

When you are feeling good and calm, that energy can be reflected at you by your customers, and work colleagues and help you find focus and clarity in your tasks.


I hope this helps you in your day-to-day.

Kaye :)

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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