Meet Joanna Hutchison MIH, Curriculum Lead Culinary at Umbrella Training


With 30 years’ experience in Hospitality and Catering and over 15 years in teaching and learning in secondary and FE educational environments. Jo’s motto is “It’s never too late to learn something new and change your life”, having returned to higher education herself as a mature student.

Joanna is passionate about learning, especially the new standard apprenticeships, having undertaken her chef apprenticeship at the age of 16, “I can tell you that they are very different now from when I completed mine, there is greater inclusion in the workplace, real working skills are learned, in real time working environments and the flexibility in how your training is delivered is completely different, I can remember peeling potatoes for almost a year and sitting behind a desk for what seemed a lifetime.”

The early part of Jo's career was spent learning and working in both back and front of house positions, spanning environments to include clubs, pubs, restaurants, hotels, sporting events, events management and large catering events such as weddings and banqueting. This would culminate in operational responsibility of 2 London gastro pubs and a 12-bedroom boutique hotel in Surrey in the 90’s, before moving into the education sector.

When Jo is not cooking or teaching, she loves to sing, dance, socialise and travel.

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


Meet Kaye Sedgwick-Jones, Graphic Designer at Umbrella Training


Umbrella Training launches ‘Kickstart Hospitality Consortia’