Meet Kaye Sedgwick-Jones, Graphic Designer at Umbrella Training


Kaye’s career has been mostly been within the creative industries. From large scale scenic stage painting, animation, brand creation and management, Kaye’s focus has always been visual communication. Alongside running her own business for 8 years, Kaye taught Graphic design and multimedia modules at Canterbury Christchurch University and loves to facilitate the learning and development of creative thinking and problem-solving skills within people. With a strong focus on high levels of service, Kaye is driven to go above and beyond in any project she delivers.

Kaye says “Personally, I have always learned better ‘on the job’ rather than in a classical classroom setting. Apprenticeships are a great balance of practical on-the-job training and classroom-based learning which allows apprentices to truly understand and become involved in their roles and their own learning. It has been amazing to meet the apprentices and witness the passion and energy they have for their work and for the industry as a whole.”

When not at work, Kaye is a passionate spokesperson for women’s health and raises awareness of conditions such as Endometriosis, PMDD and PCOS. She is a keen artist and illustrator and is currently learning to teach yoga and meditation alongside developing her art therapy skills.

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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Meet Joanna Hutchison MIH, Curriculum Lead Culinary at Umbrella Training