Celebrating #BHM - Meet Stuart Hall


Known as someone who united different cultures, their beliefs and their traditions, Stuart Hall is an important figure for multiculturalism and an outstanding social and cultural theorist.

Born in Jamaica in 1932, Hall arrived in Britain in the 1950’s age 19 and spent his life pioneering the study of issues such politics, race, sexuality and their impact on people.

Hall’s own search for identity as a black man in England directed him on an exploration of what historical and political factors determine an individual’s place in society and the impact on our identity.

He went on to be responsible for the first cultural studies course in Britain, which was offered by the University of Birmingham.

You have to be sure about a position in order to teach a class, but you have to be open-ended enough to know that you are going to change your mind by the time you teach it next week...
— Hall, Stuart. 1986. On postmodernism and articulation

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